Motel Aaram, Kottarakkara

Motel Aaram, Kottarakkara (Thiruvananthapuram - Kottayam MC road)

Located at 70 km from Thiruvananthapuram by the side of MC Road in Kottarakkara, this motel facilitates a break for travellers begining their journey from Thiruvananthapuram. This motel is about 80 km from Kottayam ie. almost middle of Thiruvananthapuram - Kottayam MC road.


Parking space
Retiring rooms
Toilet facilities

Nearby attractions
Kottarakara Ganapathi Temple, about 5 Km

Jadayu Rock, about 15 Km

Reach us

Nearest bus terminal: Kottarakara, about 4½ Km
Nearest railway station: Kottarakara, about 4½ Km

Contact us

Motel Aaram
Phone: +91 474 2663888
Mobile: +91 940000 8693
Unit Officer :+91 940000 8694